Whoohoo! Today is a milestone: Lifetime with Weight Watchers as of 8/28/09!
Ok - for those of you who don't know what all that lingo means - here you go:
1. Mom doesn't have to pay anymore! My Mom has graciously been paying for this (39$/mth) since April 2008. So, now, as long as I don't go 2 lbs over my goal weight - I stay free for life!
2. Lifetime means I have met my chosen goal and maintained it for 6 weeks - without going 2 lbs over. I have lost over 4+ beyond my goal weight.
3. I still want to lose another 10%. I don't know if that is attainable for me, but I will try it nonetheless.
4. Weight Watchers is good on a number of levels:
a. I think it is the best weight loss company out there.
b. There are no X foods. Most weight loss companies limit you on your food or make you eat their foords or say you can't have this or that. Not with WW. WW is all about choices, being smart in how you eat, accountability with meetings/weighing in, and exercising. Simple isn't it!
5. I also bring in the spiritual aspect into my eating. Eating is not comfort. Eating will not make me feel better. Eating too much is a sin. My body is not my own.
6. Encouragement and accountability is so important. I have many friends who have gotten a text from me every week for the past 16 months saying how much I had lost or gained. They are faithful in encouraging me - even when I gained. Some know the way I feel about myself, some know more details than they probably want to know. But - these are great friends!
7. Just because I have lost this weight (again) doesn't mean that I will automatically get married or get the dream ministry job. This is what I have thought in the past. That when I lose this weight and am thinner - than someone will like me - because all the pretty thin girls get married. God has definitely shown me the error of that thinking. But, I still need to be pleasing to God in how I take care of my body.
8. I really love fashion a lot more (but not the high prices) when I weigh less. So, I take better care of how I look, how I present myself to the outside world, office at work, etc.
9. This isn't easy - but it is about choices.
10. And you know - I still love food. I still love cooking for people and baking and everything. But, I also give food away more, learn self control (gift of the Holy Spirit, thank you), exercise more, drink more water, and make wise(r) choices!
3 days ago