Friday, February 27, 2009

Partner Training and Pushing Yourself

I didn't know how I would like having a partner to run with. But, Sarah (my partner for the Antherm 5k and the Derby Half) and I finally got together to run the other day at Seneca.
I was late, but she was planning on running much farther than I was that day anyway.
So...she walks faster than me, and more than me. I run more than she does. We encourage each other along the way.
I got a text after I got home - I get to set the pace for the 5k. Go her! :) She kicked my butt in walking fast though. I like to run more, catch little breaks by walking slower - then running again. Maybe we'll both beat our time next weekend.
Hopefully I'll get a run in this weekend in AL. My brother runs so much faster than I do though - a 10 minute mile compared to a 13 minute mall. Maybe it will be a good push for me!
Can't wait - 1 week till my first 5k - the Anthem here in the ville. Supposed to be high 40s, low 50s rainy - but at least no snow and it will be out of the teens!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Snow in Indy for Polar Bear

Well, I said all along that I would run in whatever temperature in Indy this weekend, but no precipitation. Its just not worth it.
Well, tomorrow in Indy it will be 32, windy, and snowing - ALL morning! So, I do not get to run my first 5k. But, no fear. Training will still happen, got the playlist all set, and now the race is the Anthem 5k in Louisville in 2 weeks. So excited!
Instead, I'll do a medium run on Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

One week out to Indy

One week out!
This time next week I'll be done with my first 5k. I've checked the weather for Indianapolis and it is going to be cold, but should be in the 20s at race time. I'll just bundle up!
This week I've already run 3.6, .9, 2.0. So, today I'm going to do hopefully 10.0 and then tomorrow take a day off. I've also done a cardio class and some weight training. Yesterday, during my two miles, I finally did one time around the retention pond running. I remember going around the pond with a friend last fall and not being able to get even 1/4 of the way around it running - so improvement is always good to see.
Only lost .4 lbs though in the last two weeks - so that is kind of discouraging. But, press on - right?
Any thoughts on how to lose weight while running? I've still got at least 14 to go!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Long Run in the Park

I had my first long run this weekend. I felt like I accomplished so much more and the time went by quicker than if I just were walking it. I have walked for 1.35 hours before - but this time it didn't seem so long and drawn out.
I interval run - not straight run. It is slightly easier on the body and rumor has it you burn more calories by bursts of speed and recovery.
I did 7.1 miles this weekend, up hills, through parks, over ice, etc. I wish I could have a closed course outside (but I guess that is what races are for). I hated having to deal with cars when the sides of road were still cluttered with debree and ice from the previous storms.
Some things:
1. Stretch
2. Have good music - high tempo
3. Pick up your feet and just start running
4. Buy a good pedometer. The one I bought at Wal-Mart didn't work. Said I had only run 3.4 miles. But, I knew my legs were telling me I had gone more. So, I drove the same route right after I got done - it was 7.1 Glad I just wasn't going crazy or imagining things.

Frist 5k, weather permitting, is in less than 2 weeks! My goal is under 40. Today is a timed run.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Anthem 5k - Louisville

Just signed up for my second race. This time I definitely get to do it with a friend - and anyone else who wants to sign up - go for it!
This is the first leg of the Triple Crown in Louisville - leading up to the Derby Marathon the end of April.
The Anthem 5k is dtown Louisville on March 7 - that will be a fun day - no matter the weather - and then ending the day by watching the second of the Tobacco Road series - Duke and Carolina - can't wait!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Steven Furtick on Push-Ups

I follow many blogs. My google reader is full. That is how I like to keep in touch with everyone.
There is a pastor of a church in Charlotte, NC. Steven Furtick. Elevate Church. He wrote a blog on fitness today, but it could be applied to so many things. I am applying it to fitness.
One of the best pieces of advice I've gotten about running and losing weight - Just run (or just eat right, just stick with it, etc). Just run.
This piece of advice: Commit to one push up. Here is the rest of it:

I got an interesting piece of exercise advice one time-never forgot it.This guy (who was in great shape) said the only exercise commitment he ever made was to do one push-up per day-every single day.Not to run 5 miles a day, complete four 90 minute workouts per week…Just one push-up per day.
When I asked him (skeptically) what the value of one push-up was, he explained:“Well, one push-up isn’t going to do much for you, that’s for sure. But once you get down to do one, you usually end up doing 30, 40, or 50. And then you figure, hey, while I’m down here, may as well do some sit-ups too. Before you know it, you’ve had a pretty good workout. And it all started with one push-up.”
I wonder how you could apply this strategy to some of the things you hate to do, but know you need to do? Just get started, and often the rest will happen from there. Getting started is the hardest part.
Confucius said a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.Something to think about…

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow Days: Running Outdoors/Indoors

Well, I guarantee if I lived in FL I would not have to title this blog the way I did. In my lifetime, there has only been one time it snowed in Lakeland - that was when I was a couple weeks old. I wasn't in it.
I like snow - but not when it is mixed with ice, people don't know how to drive in it, trees aren't prepared for it so the power goes out, etc.
This week I've only been able to run once - that was Monday. I've done some core work and planks and stretches inside the remainder of the week. The Rec Center where I work and live was out of commission because of power loss. The streets to even get to the street were covered mostly in ice. The park I usually run in you couldn't see the path due to the snow.
Yesterday - I drove by - and there was a path. Today, its supposed to be in the mid-40s. So, I'm so excited to report that I get to go running today! :) When did I ever think I would be excited to go running - hmm? But, I have missed it this week. Can tell a difference in my body and mind. Running is so good for you - and stretching is too - but more on that later!
So, have you run lately? What do you do if you can't go outside because of the weather and you don't have a membership to a gym (or your gym is even closed)?