I didn't know how I would like having a partner to run with. But, Sarah (my partner for the Antherm 5k and the Derby Half) and I finally got together to run the other day at Seneca.
I was late, but she was planning on running much farther than I was that day anyway.
So...she walks faster than me, and more than me. I run more than she does. We encourage each other along the way.
I got a text after I got home - I get to set the pace for the 5k. Go her! :) She kicked my butt in walking fast though. I like to run more, catch little breaks by walking slower - then running again. Maybe we'll both beat our time next weekend.
Hopefully I'll get a run in this weekend in AL. My brother runs so much faster than I do though - a 10 minute mile compared to a 13 minute mall. Maybe it will be a good push for me!
Can't wait - 1 week till my first 5k - the Anthem here in the ville. Supposed to be high 40s, low 50s rainy - but at least no snow and it will be out of the teens!
3 days ago