Uber-blogger Tim Challies found this at the New Yorker today. Such a reflective thought as to why Americans are so fat. Yes, that is a bit harsh - but so true!
While I definitely don't agree with everything in the article (especially the latter half), it is still a fact - Americans are heavier now than they were.
Here are some of my thoughts as to why:
1. Sedentary jobs. More of us have desk jobs than manual labor jobs.
2. Convenience foods - or processed foods. McD's or Moe's is more popular than farmers markets and growing your own garden.
3. Social eating. I love to eat out!
4. Video games. Are Xboxes in themselves evil - no. But, its parents who use tvs and video games to be babysitters for their kids instead of taking a walk around the neighborhood, playing catch, swimming at the local Y, or anything physical.
These are just some of the many problems. What do you think are some of the problems with America being a heavier nation?
4 days ago
Convenience foods are my biggest downfall! It takes me (what seems like) forever to plan, grocery shop, and cook a balanced meal. Most of the foods I cook at home aren't too bad for you because I don't deepfry or add tons of butter. But it's the time commitment that keeps me from cooking more often!